*equal author contribution
current and former lab members in bold
google scholar profile
Published or In Press
Gherghel, I., R.A. Martin. Biotic interactions vary across species' ranges and are likely conserved through geological time. In Press. Journal of Biogeography.
Maren Wellenreuther, Anne-Laure Ferchaud, Luciano B. Beheregaray, Nicolas Bierne, Alberto Soares Correa, Kathryn Elmer, Dylan Fraser, Danna Gifford, Zachariah Gompert, Marc Johnson, Rees Kassen, Ryan Martin, Mariah Meek, Joachim Mergeay, Claire Mérot, Kerry Naish, Shawn Narum, Paul Sunnucks, Frédéric Thomas, Peter Thrall, José Manuel Yáñez, Jiasui Zhan, Xiangjiang Zhan. 2023. For the love of fish, nature and people: A tribute to Professor Louis Bernatchez (1960–2023). Evolutionary Applications. 16:1663-1670.
G.G. Deme, J.O. Okoro, B. Prakash, L. Xixi, B. Sun, Y. Malann, R.A. Martin. 2023. Female lizards (Eremias argus) reverse Bergmann’s rule across altitude. Ecology and Evolution. 13:e10292. open access
Martin, R.A., C.R.B. da Silva, M.P. Moore, S.E. Diamond. When will a changing climate outpace adaptive evolution? 2023. WIRES Climate Change. e852. open access
E.G. Prileson, J. Clark, S.E. Diamond, A. Lenard, O.A. Medina Báez, A.R. Yilmaz, R.A. Martin. 2023. Keep your cool: Overwintering physiology in response to urbanization in the acorn ant, Temnothorax curvispinosus.. Journal of Thermal Biology. 114, 103591.
Strugariu, A., R.A. Martin. 2023. Factor in fear: Interference competition in polymorphic spadefoot toad tadpoles and its potential role in disruptive selection. Animals. 13:1264. open access
R.A. Martin, Riesch, R. M. Plath, N.A. Al Hanosh T. Wronski. 2023. Reproductive Biology of Gazella arabica: Predictors of Offspring weight and Short- and Long-Term Offspring Survival. Current Zoology. zoac084,
open access
Diamond*, S.E., R.A. Martin*, G. Bellino, K.N. Crown, E.G. Prileson. 2022. Urban evolution of thermal physiology in a range-expanding, mycophagous fruit fly, Drosophila tripunctata. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. blac094,
Diamond, S.E., E.G. Prileson, R.A. Martin. Adaptation to urban environments. 2022. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 51:100893
Yilmaz, A.R., Yoder, A., Diamond, S. E., Martin, R.A. 2022. Adaptation to urban heat islands enhances thermal performance following development under chronic thermal stress, but not benign conditions. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 95:302-316.
R. Riesch, Araújo, M.S., Bumgarner, S., Filla, C., de Pennafort Dezen, L., Goins, T.R., Lucion, D., Makowicz, A., Martin, R.A., Pirroni, S., Langerhans, R.B. 2022. Resource competition explains rare cannibalism in the wild in livebearing fish. Ecology and Evolution. 12:e8872. open access
Dunn, R.R., J.R. Burger, E.J. Carlen, A.M. Koltz, J.E. Light, R.A. Martin, J. Munshi-South, L.M. Nichols, E.L. Vargo, S. Yitbarek, Y. Zhao, A. Cibrian-Jaramillo. 2002. Urban Archipelagos: A Theory of City Biogeography and the Origin of Species. Frontiers in Conservation Science. open access
Diamond*, S.E., R. A. Martin*. 2021. Evolution in cities. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 52:519-540.
Moore, M.P., R.A. Martin. 2021. Natural selection on adults has trait-dependent consequences for juvenile evolution in dragonflies. The American Naturalist. 197:677–689.
Martin, R.A., Chick, L., Garvin, M.L., S.E. Diamond. 2021. In a nutshell, a reciprocal transplant experiment reveals local adaptation and fitness trade-offs in response to urban adaptation in an acorn dwelling ant. Evolution. 75:876-887. open access
Diamond*, S. E., R. A. Martin*. 2021. Physiological adaptation to cities as a proxy to forecast global-scale responses to climate change. Journal of Experimental Biology. 224(Suppl. 1). open access
Diamond*, S. E., R. A. Martin*. Buying time: plasticity and population persistence. 2021. (book chapter in Phenotypic Plasticity: Causes, Consequences, Controversies, Edited by David Pfennig). open access
Yilmaz†, A.R., S.E. Diamond, R.A. Martin. 2021. Evidence for the evolution of thermal tolerance, but not desiccation tolerance, in response to hotter, drier city conditions in a cosmopolitan, terrestrial isopod. Evolutionary Applications. 14:12-23. open access
de la Serna Buzón, S., R.A. Martin, D.W. Pfennig. 2020. Carryover effects and the evolution of polyphenism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 131:622–631.
Gherghel, I., R.A. Martin. 2020. Postglacial recolonization of North America by spadefoot toads: integrating niche and corridor modeling to study species’ range dynamics over geologic time. Ecography. 143:499-1509. open access
Diamond*, S.E., R.A. Martin*. 2020. Evolution is a double-edged sword, not a silver bullet, to confront climate change. Annals of the New York Academy of Science for the Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology. 1469:38-51.
Lis3, C., M.P. Moore, R.A. Martin. 2020. Warm developmental temperatures induce non-adaptive plasticity in the intrasexually selected coloration of a dragonfly. Ecological Entomology. 45:663-670.
Diamond*, S.E., R.A. Martin*. 2020. Evolutionary Consequences of the Urban Heat Island. In: Urban Evolutionary Biology. Edited by Marta Szulkin, Jason Munshi-South and Anne Charmantier, Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press.DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198836841.003.0006
Riesch, R., R.A. Martin, R.B. Langerhans. 2020. Multiple traits and multifarious environments:
integrated divergence of morphology and life history. Oikos. 129:480-492.
Caruso, C.M., H. Maherali, R.A. Martin. 2020. A meta-analysis of natural selection on plant functional traits. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 181:44-55.
In the special issue Functional Trait Evolution
Moore, M.P., R.A. Martin. On the evolution of carry-over effects. 2019. Journal of Animal Ecology. 88: 1832-1844.
Moore, M.P., H. H. Whitman, and R.A. Martin. 2019. A mother’s legacy: the strength of maternal effects in animal populations. Ecology Letters. 22:1620-1628.
Yilmaz, A.R., L. Chick, A. Perez, S.A. Strickler, S. Vaughn, R.A. Martin, S.A. Diamond. 2019. Remarkable insensitivity of acorn ant morphology to temperature decouples the evolution of physiological tolerance from body size under urban heat islands. Journal of Thermal Biology. 85: 102426
In the special issue The Evolution and adaptation of thermoregulation
Martin*, R.A., L. Chick, A. Yilmaz, S.E. Diamond*. 2019. Evolution, not transgenerational plasticity, explains the adaptive divergence of acorn ant thermal tolerance across an urban-rural temperature cline. Evolutionary Applications. 12:1678-1687. open access
Moore, M.P., C. Lis, I. Gherghel, and R.A. Martin. 2019. Temperature shapes the costs, benefits, and geographic diversification of sexual coloration in a dragonfly. Ecology Letters. 22:437-446.
Rivkin L.R., J.S. Santangelo, M. Alberti, M.F.J. Aronson, C.W. de Keyzer, S.E. Diamond, M. Fortin, L.J. Frazee, A.J. Gorton, A.P. Hendry, Y. Liu, J.B. Losos, J.S. MacIvor, R.A. Martin, M. McDonnell, L.S. Miles, J. Munshi-South, R. Ness, A.E.M. Newman, M.R. Stothart, P. Theodorou, K.A. Thompson, B.C. Verrelli, A. Whitehead, K.M. Winchell, M.T.J. Johnson. 2019. A roadmap for urban evolutionary ecology. Evolutionary Applications. 12: 284-398. open access
Chick, L, S.A. Strickler, A. Perez1, R.A. Martin, and S.E. Diamond. 2019. Urban heat islands advance the timing of reproduction in a social insect. Journal of Thermal Biology. 80:119-125.
Caruso, C.M., K. Eisen, R. A. Martin, and N. Sletvold. 2019. A meta-analysis of the agents of selection on floral traits. Evolution. 73:4-14.
Moore, M.P., C. Lis, R.A. Martin. 2018. Immune deployment increases larval vulnerability to predators and inhibits adult life-history traits in a dragonfly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 31:1365-1376.
Diamond, S.E., L. Chick, A. Perez, S.A. Strickler, and R.A. Martin. 2018. Evolution of thermal tolerance and its fitness consequences: parallel and non-parallel responses to urban heat islands across three cities. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B. 285:(1882).
In the special issue The evolution of city life
Riesch, R., R.A. Martin, S.E. Diamond, J. Jourdan, M. Plath, and R.B. Langerhans. 2018. Thermal regime drives a latitudinal gradient in morphology and life history in a livebearing fish. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 125: 126–141.
Moore, M.P., and R.A. Martin. 2018. Trade-offs between larval survival and adult ornament development depend on predator regime in a territorial dragonfly. Oecologia. 188: 97-106.
Siepielski, A., M.B. Morrissey, M. Buoro, S. Carlson, C.M. Caruso, S.M. Clegg, T. Coulson, J. Di Battista, K.M. Gotanda, C.D. Francis, J. Hereford, J.G. Kingsolver, K.E. Augustine, L.E.B. Kruuk, R.A. Martin, B.C. Sheldon, N. Sletvold, E.I. Svensson, M.J. Wade, A.D.C. MacColl. 2018. Response to Comment on "Precipitation drives global variation in natural selection". Science. 359: eaan5760.
Moore, M.P., C. Lis, and R.A. Martin. 2018. Larval body condition mediates predator-induced life-history variation in a dragonfly. Ecology.91: 224-230. doi:10.1002/ecy.2056.
Levis, N.A., R.A. Martin, K.A. O’Donnell, and D.W. Pfennig. 2017. Intraspecific adaptive radiation: competition, ecological opportunity, and the evolution of cryptic ecomorphological diversity within species. Evolution. 71: 2496–2509.
Caruso*, C.M., R.A. Martin*, N. Sletvold, M.B. Morrissey, M.J. Wade, K.E. Augustine1, S.C. Carlson, A.D.C. MacColl, A.M. Siepielski, and J.G. Kingsolver. 2017. What are the environmental determinants of phenotypic selection? A meta-analysis of experimental studies. The American Naturalist 190: 363-376.
Krynak, K.L., D.J. Burke, R.A. Martin, P.M. Dennis. 2017. Gut microbiome composition is associated with cardiac disease in captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). FEM Microbiology Letters 364: fnx149.
Diamond, S.E., L. Chick, A. Perez, S.A. Strickler, and R.A. Martin. 2017. Rapid evolution of ant thermal tolerance across an urban-rural temperature cline. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121: 248-257. open access
Recommended by Faculty of 1000 - DOI: 10.3410/f.732106108.793538826
Siepielski, A., M.B. Morrissey, M. Buoro, S. Carlson, C.M. Caruso, S.M. Clegg, T. Coulson, J. Di Battista, K.M. Gotanda, C.D. Francis, J. Hereford, J.G. Kingsolver, K.E. Augustine, L.E.B. Kruuk, R.A. Martin, B.C. Sheldon, N. Sletvold, E.I. Svensson, M.J. Wade, A.D.C. MacColl. 2017. Precipitation drives global variation in natural selection. Science 355:959-962.
Diamond*, S.E., and R.A. Martin*. 2016. The interplay between plasticity and evolution in response to human-induced environmental change. F1000 Research. 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):2835. open access
Moore, M.P., and R.A. Martin. 2016. Intrasexual selection favors an immune-correlated color ornament in a dragonfly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 29:2256-2265.
Dugas, M.B., M.P. Moore, R.A. Martin, C.L. Richards-Zawacki, and C.G. Sprehn. 2016. The payoffs of maternal care increase as offspring develop, favouring extended provisioning in an egg-feeding frog. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 29:1977-1985.
Dugas, M.B., L. McCormack, A. Gadau, and R.A. Martin. 2016. Choosy cannibals preferentially consume siblings with relatively low fitness prospects. The American Naturalist. 188:124-131.
Moore, M.P., R. Riesch and R.A. Martin. 2016. The predictability, and magnitude of life-history divergence to ecological agents of selection: a meta-analysis in livebearing fishes. Ecology Letters 19:435-442.
Dugas, M.B., N.R. Franssen, and R.A. Martin. 2016. Morphological correlates of river velocity and reproductive development in an ornamented stream fish. Evolutionary Ecology 30:21-33.
Diamond, S.E., R.R. Dunn, S.F. Frank, N.M. Haddad, and R.A. Martin. 2015. Shared and unique responses of insects to the interaction of urbanization and background environment. Current Opinion in Insect Science 11:71-77.
Dugas, M.B., M.P. Moore, C.N. Wamelink, C.L. Richards-Zawaki, and R.A. Martin. 2015. An experimental test for age-related improvements in reproductive performance in a frog that cares for its young The Science of Nature (Naturwissenschaften) 102:48.
Pfennig, K.S., D.W. Pfennig, C. Porter, and R.A. Martin. 2015. Sexual selection’s impacts on ecological specialisation: an experimental test. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 282: 20150217.
Martin, R.A., M.D. McGee, and R.B. Langerhans. 2015. Predicting ecological and phenotypic differentiation in the wild: a case of piscivorous fish in a fishless environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 114:588-607.
Martin, R.A., R. Reisch, J. L. Heinen, and R.B. Langerhans. 2014. Evolution of male coloration during a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish. Evolution 68:397-411.
Martin, R.A., and S.C. Garnett. 2013. Relatedness and resource availability interact to affect the intensity of competition. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110:689-695.
Riesch R., R.A. Martin, H. Lerp, M. Plath, and T. Wronski. 2013. Size and sex matter: reproductive biology and intrinsic determinants of offspring survival in Gazella marica. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110:116-127.
Heinen, J.L., M.W. Coco2, A.S. Johnson, M.S. Marcuard, D.N White, M.N. Peterson, R.A. Martin, and R.B. Langerhans. 2013. Environmental drivers of variation in demographics, habitat use, and behavior during a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish. Evolutionary Ecology 27:971-991.
Riesch, R., R.A. Martin, and R.B. Langerhans. 2013. Predation’s role in life-history evolution of a livebearing fish and a test of the Trexler-DeAngelis model of maternal provisioning. The American Naturalist 181:78-93.
Paull, J., R.A. Martin, and D.W. Pfennig. 2012. Increased competition as a cost of specialization during the evolution of resource polymorphism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107:845-853.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2012. Widespread disruptive selection in the wild is associated with intense resource competition. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12:136.
Pfennig, K.S., S. Allenby, R.A. Martin, A. Monroy, and C.D. Jones. 2012. A suite of molecular markers for identifying species, detecting introgression, and describing population structure in spadefoot toads (Spea spp.). Molecular Ecology Resources 12:909-917.
Riesch, R., R.A. Martin, D. Bierbach, M. Plath, R.B. Langerhans, and L. Arias-Rodriguez. 2012. Natural history, diet, and life history of Priapella chamulae Schartl, Meyer and Wilde 2006 (Teleostei: Poeciliidae). Aqua, International Journal of Icthyology 18:95-102.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2011. Evaluating the targets of selection during character displacement. Evolution 65:2946-2958.
Martin, R.A. 2011. Evaluating a novel technique for individual identification of anuran tadpoles using coded wire tags. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6:168-173.
Diamond, S.E., A.M. Frame, R.A. Martin and L.B. Buckley. 2011. Species’ traits predict phenological responses to climate change in butterflies. Ecology 92:1005-1012.
Recommended by Faculty of 1000 - DOI: 10.3410/f.11582956.12639054
Pfennig D.W. and R.A. Martin. 2010. Proximate basis of character displacement in spadefoot toads: Different mechanisms in different species. Evolution 64:2331-2341.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2010. Maternal investment influences expression of resource polymorphism in amphibians: Implications for the evolution of novel resource-use phenotypes. PLoS ONE 5(2)e9117.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2010. Field and experimental evidence that competition and ecological opportunity promote resource polymorphism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100:73-88.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2009. Disruptive selection in natural populations: The roles of ecological specialization and resource competition. The American Naturalist 174:268-281.
Pfennig D.W. and R.A. Martin. 2009. A maternal effect mediates rapid population divergence and character displacement in spadefoot toads. Evolution 63:898-909.
Pfennig D.W., A.M. Rice, and R.A. Martin. 2007. Field and experimental evidence for competitions role in phenotypic divergence. Evolution 61:257-271.
Pfennig D.W., A.M. Rice, and R.A. Martin. 2006. Ecological opportunity and phenotypic plasticity interact to promote character displacement and species coexistence. Ecology 87:769-779.
Manuscripts In Review or Revision
Martin, R.A., C.R.B. da Silva, M.P. Moore, S.E. Diamond. When will a changing climate outpace adaptive evolution? Invited review to WIRES Climate Change.
Gherghel, I., R.A. Martin. Biotic interactions vary across species’ ranges and are likely conserved through geological time.
Balman, M., Mannen, N., Martin, R.A. Microbiome composition, but not behavior, differs between urban and rural populations of Red-backed salamanders, Plethodon cinereus.
Yilmaz, A.R., G. Bellino, R.A. Martin. A reciprocal transplant experiment reveals evidence for local adaptation and altered ecological interactions between urban and rural populations of the common woodlouse, Oniscus asellus.
Published Meta-analysis Datafiles
Siepielski A, Morrissey MB, Buoro M, Carlson SM, Caruso CM, Clegg SM, Coulson T, DiBattista J, Gotanda KM, Francis CD, Hereford J, Kingsolver JG, Augustine KE, Kruuk LEB, Martin RA, Sheldon BC, Sletvold N, Svensson EI, Wade MJ, MacColl ADC (2017) Data from: Precipitation drives global variation in natural selection. Science
Caruso CM, Martin RA, Sletvold N, Morrissey MB, Wade MJ, Augustine KE, Carlson SM, MacColl ADC, Siepielski AM, Kingsolver JG (2017) Data from: What are the environmental determinants of phenotypic selection? A meta-analysis of experimental studies. The American Naturalist
Moore M, Riesch R, Martin RA (2016) Data from: The predictability and magnitude of life-history divergence to ecological agents of selection: a meta-analysis in livebearing fishes. Ecology Letters
Non-Refereed Publications
Martin, R.A., 2012. The ecology of mate choice: dicey climates and sexual selection. The Signal 13(7):7.
Martin, R.A., 2010. Coping with an arid habitat. The Signal 12(1):2-3.
*equal author contribution
current and former lab members in bold
google scholar profile
Published or In Press
Gherghel, I., R.A. Martin. Biotic interactions vary across species' ranges and are likely conserved through geological time. In Press. Journal of Biogeography.
Maren Wellenreuther, Anne-Laure Ferchaud, Luciano B. Beheregaray, Nicolas Bierne, Alberto Soares Correa, Kathryn Elmer, Dylan Fraser, Danna Gifford, Zachariah Gompert, Marc Johnson, Rees Kassen, Ryan Martin, Mariah Meek, Joachim Mergeay, Claire Mérot, Kerry Naish, Shawn Narum, Paul Sunnucks, Frédéric Thomas, Peter Thrall, José Manuel Yáñez, Jiasui Zhan, Xiangjiang Zhan. 2023. For the love of fish, nature and people: A tribute to Professor Louis Bernatchez (1960–2023). Evolutionary Applications. 16:1663-1670.
G.G. Deme, J.O. Okoro, B. Prakash, L. Xixi, B. Sun, Y. Malann, R.A. Martin. 2023. Female lizards (Eremias argus) reverse Bergmann’s rule across altitude. Ecology and Evolution. 13:e10292. open access
Martin, R.A., C.R.B. da Silva, M.P. Moore, S.E. Diamond. When will a changing climate outpace adaptive evolution? 2023. WIRES Climate Change. e852. open access
E.G. Prileson, J. Clark, S.E. Diamond, A. Lenard, O.A. Medina Báez, A.R. Yilmaz, R.A. Martin. 2023. Keep your cool: Overwintering physiology in response to urbanization in the acorn ant, Temnothorax curvispinosus.. Journal of Thermal Biology. 114, 103591.
Strugariu, A., R.A. Martin. 2023. Factor in fear: Interference competition in polymorphic spadefoot toad tadpoles and its potential role in disruptive selection. Animals. 13:1264. open access
R.A. Martin, Riesch, R. M. Plath, N.A. Al Hanosh T. Wronski. 2023. Reproductive Biology of Gazella arabica: Predictors of Offspring weight and Short- and Long-Term Offspring Survival. Current Zoology. zoac084,
open access
Diamond*, S.E., R.A. Martin*, G. Bellino, K.N. Crown, E.G. Prileson. 2022. Urban evolution of thermal physiology in a range-expanding, mycophagous fruit fly, Drosophila tripunctata. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. blac094,
Diamond, S.E., E.G. Prileson, R.A. Martin. Adaptation to urban environments. 2022. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 51:100893
Yilmaz, A.R., Yoder, A., Diamond, S. E., Martin, R.A. 2022. Adaptation to urban heat islands enhances thermal performance following development under chronic thermal stress, but not benign conditions. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 95:302-316.
R. Riesch, Araújo, M.S., Bumgarner, S., Filla, C., de Pennafort Dezen, L., Goins, T.R., Lucion, D., Makowicz, A., Martin, R.A., Pirroni, S., Langerhans, R.B. 2022. Resource competition explains rare cannibalism in the wild in livebearing fish. Ecology and Evolution. 12:e8872. open access
Dunn, R.R., J.R. Burger, E.J. Carlen, A.M. Koltz, J.E. Light, R.A. Martin, J. Munshi-South, L.M. Nichols, E.L. Vargo, S. Yitbarek, Y. Zhao, A. Cibrian-Jaramillo. 2002. Urban Archipelagos: A Theory of City Biogeography and the Origin of Species. Frontiers in Conservation Science. open access
Diamond*, S.E., R. A. Martin*. 2021. Evolution in cities. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 52:519-540.
Moore, M.P., R.A. Martin. 2021. Natural selection on adults has trait-dependent consequences for juvenile evolution in dragonflies. The American Naturalist. 197:677–689.
Martin, R.A., Chick, L., Garvin, M.L., S.E. Diamond. 2021. In a nutshell, a reciprocal transplant experiment reveals local adaptation and fitness trade-offs in response to urban adaptation in an acorn dwelling ant. Evolution. 75:876-887. open access
Diamond*, S. E., R. A. Martin*. 2021. Physiological adaptation to cities as a proxy to forecast global-scale responses to climate change. Journal of Experimental Biology. 224(Suppl. 1). open access
Diamond*, S. E., R. A. Martin*. Buying time: plasticity and population persistence. 2021. (book chapter in Phenotypic Plasticity: Causes, Consequences, Controversies, Edited by David Pfennig). open access
Yilmaz†, A.R., S.E. Diamond, R.A. Martin. 2021. Evidence for the evolution of thermal tolerance, but not desiccation tolerance, in response to hotter, drier city conditions in a cosmopolitan, terrestrial isopod. Evolutionary Applications. 14:12-23. open access
de la Serna Buzón, S., R.A. Martin, D.W. Pfennig. 2020. Carryover effects and the evolution of polyphenism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 131:622–631.
Gherghel, I., R.A. Martin. 2020. Postglacial recolonization of North America by spadefoot toads: integrating niche and corridor modeling to study species’ range dynamics over geologic time. Ecography. 143:499-1509. open access
Diamond*, S.E., R.A. Martin*. 2020. Evolution is a double-edged sword, not a silver bullet, to confront climate change. Annals of the New York Academy of Science for the Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology. 1469:38-51.
Lis3, C., M.P. Moore, R.A. Martin. 2020. Warm developmental temperatures induce non-adaptive plasticity in the intrasexually selected coloration of a dragonfly. Ecological Entomology. 45:663-670.
Diamond*, S.E., R.A. Martin*. 2020. Evolutionary Consequences of the Urban Heat Island. In: Urban Evolutionary Biology. Edited by Marta Szulkin, Jason Munshi-South and Anne Charmantier, Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press.DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198836841.003.0006
Riesch, R., R.A. Martin, R.B. Langerhans. 2020. Multiple traits and multifarious environments:
integrated divergence of morphology and life history. Oikos. 129:480-492.
Caruso, C.M., H. Maherali, R.A. Martin. 2020. A meta-analysis of natural selection on plant functional traits. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 181:44-55.
In the special issue Functional Trait Evolution
Moore, M.P., R.A. Martin. On the evolution of carry-over effects. 2019. Journal of Animal Ecology. 88: 1832-1844.
Moore, M.P., H. H. Whitman, and R.A. Martin. 2019. A mother’s legacy: the strength of maternal effects in animal populations. Ecology Letters. 22:1620-1628.
Yilmaz, A.R., L. Chick, A. Perez, S.A. Strickler, S. Vaughn, R.A. Martin, S.A. Diamond. 2019. Remarkable insensitivity of acorn ant morphology to temperature decouples the evolution of physiological tolerance from body size under urban heat islands. Journal of Thermal Biology. 85: 102426
In the special issue The Evolution and adaptation of thermoregulation
Martin*, R.A., L. Chick, A. Yilmaz, S.E. Diamond*. 2019. Evolution, not transgenerational plasticity, explains the adaptive divergence of acorn ant thermal tolerance across an urban-rural temperature cline. Evolutionary Applications. 12:1678-1687. open access
Moore, M.P., C. Lis, I. Gherghel, and R.A. Martin. 2019. Temperature shapes the costs, benefits, and geographic diversification of sexual coloration in a dragonfly. Ecology Letters. 22:437-446.
Rivkin L.R., J.S. Santangelo, M. Alberti, M.F.J. Aronson, C.W. de Keyzer, S.E. Diamond, M. Fortin, L.J. Frazee, A.J. Gorton, A.P. Hendry, Y. Liu, J.B. Losos, J.S. MacIvor, R.A. Martin, M. McDonnell, L.S. Miles, J. Munshi-South, R. Ness, A.E.M. Newman, M.R. Stothart, P. Theodorou, K.A. Thompson, B.C. Verrelli, A. Whitehead, K.M. Winchell, M.T.J. Johnson. 2019. A roadmap for urban evolutionary ecology. Evolutionary Applications. 12: 284-398. open access
Chick, L, S.A. Strickler, A. Perez1, R.A. Martin, and S.E. Diamond. 2019. Urban heat islands advance the timing of reproduction in a social insect. Journal of Thermal Biology. 80:119-125.
Caruso, C.M., K. Eisen, R. A. Martin, and N. Sletvold. 2019. A meta-analysis of the agents of selection on floral traits. Evolution. 73:4-14.
Moore, M.P., C. Lis, R.A. Martin. 2018. Immune deployment increases larval vulnerability to predators and inhibits adult life-history traits in a dragonfly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 31:1365-1376.
Diamond, S.E., L. Chick, A. Perez, S.A. Strickler, and R.A. Martin. 2018. Evolution of thermal tolerance and its fitness consequences: parallel and non-parallel responses to urban heat islands across three cities. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B. 285:(1882).
In the special issue The evolution of city life
Riesch, R., R.A. Martin, S.E. Diamond, J. Jourdan, M. Plath, and R.B. Langerhans. 2018. Thermal regime drives a latitudinal gradient in morphology and life history in a livebearing fish. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 125: 126–141.
Moore, M.P., and R.A. Martin. 2018. Trade-offs between larval survival and adult ornament development depend on predator regime in a territorial dragonfly. Oecologia. 188: 97-106.
Siepielski, A., M.B. Morrissey, M. Buoro, S. Carlson, C.M. Caruso, S.M. Clegg, T. Coulson, J. Di Battista, K.M. Gotanda, C.D. Francis, J. Hereford, J.G. Kingsolver, K.E. Augustine, L.E.B. Kruuk, R.A. Martin, B.C. Sheldon, N. Sletvold, E.I. Svensson, M.J. Wade, A.D.C. MacColl. 2018. Response to Comment on "Precipitation drives global variation in natural selection". Science. 359: eaan5760.
Moore, M.P., C. Lis, and R.A. Martin. 2018. Larval body condition mediates predator-induced life-history variation in a dragonfly. Ecology.91: 224-230. doi:10.1002/ecy.2056.
Levis, N.A., R.A. Martin, K.A. O’Donnell, and D.W. Pfennig. 2017. Intraspecific adaptive radiation: competition, ecological opportunity, and the evolution of cryptic ecomorphological diversity within species. Evolution. 71: 2496–2509.
Caruso*, C.M., R.A. Martin*, N. Sletvold, M.B. Morrissey, M.J. Wade, K.E. Augustine1, S.C. Carlson, A.D.C. MacColl, A.M. Siepielski, and J.G. Kingsolver. 2017. What are the environmental determinants of phenotypic selection? A meta-analysis of experimental studies. The American Naturalist 190: 363-376.
Krynak, K.L., D.J. Burke, R.A. Martin, P.M. Dennis. 2017. Gut microbiome composition is associated with cardiac disease in captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). FEM Microbiology Letters 364: fnx149.
Diamond, S.E., L. Chick, A. Perez, S.A. Strickler, and R.A. Martin. 2017. Rapid evolution of ant thermal tolerance across an urban-rural temperature cline. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121: 248-257. open access
Recommended by Faculty of 1000 - DOI: 10.3410/f.732106108.793538826
Siepielski, A., M.B. Morrissey, M. Buoro, S. Carlson, C.M. Caruso, S.M. Clegg, T. Coulson, J. Di Battista, K.M. Gotanda, C.D. Francis, J. Hereford, J.G. Kingsolver, K.E. Augustine, L.E.B. Kruuk, R.A. Martin, B.C. Sheldon, N. Sletvold, E.I. Svensson, M.J. Wade, A.D.C. MacColl. 2017. Precipitation drives global variation in natural selection. Science 355:959-962.
Diamond*, S.E., and R.A. Martin*. 2016. The interplay between plasticity and evolution in response to human-induced environmental change. F1000 Research. 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):2835. open access
Moore, M.P., and R.A. Martin. 2016. Intrasexual selection favors an immune-correlated color ornament in a dragonfly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 29:2256-2265.
Dugas, M.B., M.P. Moore, R.A. Martin, C.L. Richards-Zawacki, and C.G. Sprehn. 2016. The payoffs of maternal care increase as offspring develop, favouring extended provisioning in an egg-feeding frog. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 29:1977-1985.
Dugas, M.B., L. McCormack, A. Gadau, and R.A. Martin. 2016. Choosy cannibals preferentially consume siblings with relatively low fitness prospects. The American Naturalist. 188:124-131.
Moore, M.P., R. Riesch and R.A. Martin. 2016. The predictability, and magnitude of life-history divergence to ecological agents of selection: a meta-analysis in livebearing fishes. Ecology Letters 19:435-442.
Dugas, M.B., N.R. Franssen, and R.A. Martin. 2016. Morphological correlates of river velocity and reproductive development in an ornamented stream fish. Evolutionary Ecology 30:21-33.
Diamond, S.E., R.R. Dunn, S.F. Frank, N.M. Haddad, and R.A. Martin. 2015. Shared and unique responses of insects to the interaction of urbanization and background environment. Current Opinion in Insect Science 11:71-77.
Dugas, M.B., M.P. Moore, C.N. Wamelink, C.L. Richards-Zawaki, and R.A. Martin. 2015. An experimental test for age-related improvements in reproductive performance in a frog that cares for its young The Science of Nature (Naturwissenschaften) 102:48.
Pfennig, K.S., D.W. Pfennig, C. Porter, and R.A. Martin. 2015. Sexual selection’s impacts on ecological specialisation: an experimental test. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 282: 20150217.
Martin, R.A., M.D. McGee, and R.B. Langerhans. 2015. Predicting ecological and phenotypic differentiation in the wild: a case of piscivorous fish in a fishless environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 114:588-607.
Martin, R.A., R. Reisch, J. L. Heinen, and R.B. Langerhans. 2014. Evolution of male coloration during a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish. Evolution 68:397-411.
Martin, R.A., and S.C. Garnett. 2013. Relatedness and resource availability interact to affect the intensity of competition. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110:689-695.
Riesch R., R.A. Martin, H. Lerp, M. Plath, and T. Wronski. 2013. Size and sex matter: reproductive biology and intrinsic determinants of offspring survival in Gazella marica. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110:116-127.
Heinen, J.L., M.W. Coco2, A.S. Johnson, M.S. Marcuard, D.N White, M.N. Peterson, R.A. Martin, and R.B. Langerhans. 2013. Environmental drivers of variation in demographics, habitat use, and behavior during a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish. Evolutionary Ecology 27:971-991.
Riesch, R., R.A. Martin, and R.B. Langerhans. 2013. Predation’s role in life-history evolution of a livebearing fish and a test of the Trexler-DeAngelis model of maternal provisioning. The American Naturalist 181:78-93.
Paull, J., R.A. Martin, and D.W. Pfennig. 2012. Increased competition as a cost of specialization during the evolution of resource polymorphism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107:845-853.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2012. Widespread disruptive selection in the wild is associated with intense resource competition. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12:136.
Pfennig, K.S., S. Allenby, R.A. Martin, A. Monroy, and C.D. Jones. 2012. A suite of molecular markers for identifying species, detecting introgression, and describing population structure in spadefoot toads (Spea spp.). Molecular Ecology Resources 12:909-917.
Riesch, R., R.A. Martin, D. Bierbach, M. Plath, R.B. Langerhans, and L. Arias-Rodriguez. 2012. Natural history, diet, and life history of Priapella chamulae Schartl, Meyer and Wilde 2006 (Teleostei: Poeciliidae). Aqua, International Journal of Icthyology 18:95-102.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2011. Evaluating the targets of selection during character displacement. Evolution 65:2946-2958.
Martin, R.A. 2011. Evaluating a novel technique for individual identification of anuran tadpoles using coded wire tags. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6:168-173.
Diamond, S.E., A.M. Frame, R.A. Martin and L.B. Buckley. 2011. Species’ traits predict phenological responses to climate change in butterflies. Ecology 92:1005-1012.
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Pfennig D.W. and R.A. Martin. 2010. Proximate basis of character displacement in spadefoot toads: Different mechanisms in different species. Evolution 64:2331-2341.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2010. Maternal investment influences expression of resource polymorphism in amphibians: Implications for the evolution of novel resource-use phenotypes. PLoS ONE 5(2)e9117.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2010. Field and experimental evidence that competition and ecological opportunity promote resource polymorphism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100:73-88.
Martin, R.A. and D.W. Pfennig. 2009. Disruptive selection in natural populations: The roles of ecological specialization and resource competition. The American Naturalist 174:268-281.
Pfennig D.W. and R.A. Martin. 2009. A maternal effect mediates rapid population divergence and character displacement in spadefoot toads. Evolution 63:898-909.
Pfennig D.W., A.M. Rice, and R.A. Martin. 2007. Field and experimental evidence for competitions role in phenotypic divergence. Evolution 61:257-271.
Pfennig D.W., A.M. Rice, and R.A. Martin. 2006. Ecological opportunity and phenotypic plasticity interact to promote character displacement and species coexistence. Ecology 87:769-779.
Manuscripts In Review or Revision
Martin, R.A., C.R.B. da Silva, M.P. Moore, S.E. Diamond. When will a changing climate outpace adaptive evolution? Invited review to WIRES Climate Change.
Gherghel, I., R.A. Martin. Biotic interactions vary across species’ ranges and are likely conserved through geological time.
Balman, M., Mannen, N., Martin, R.A. Microbiome composition, but not behavior, differs between urban and rural populations of Red-backed salamanders, Plethodon cinereus.
Yilmaz, A.R., G. Bellino, R.A. Martin. A reciprocal transplant experiment reveals evidence for local adaptation and altered ecological interactions between urban and rural populations of the common woodlouse, Oniscus asellus.
Published Meta-analysis Datafiles
Siepielski A, Morrissey MB, Buoro M, Carlson SM, Caruso CM, Clegg SM, Coulson T, DiBattista J, Gotanda KM, Francis CD, Hereford J, Kingsolver JG, Augustine KE, Kruuk LEB, Martin RA, Sheldon BC, Sletvold N, Svensson EI, Wade MJ, MacColl ADC (2017) Data from: Precipitation drives global variation in natural selection. Science
Caruso CM, Martin RA, Sletvold N, Morrissey MB, Wade MJ, Augustine KE, Carlson SM, MacColl ADC, Siepielski AM, Kingsolver JG (2017) Data from: What are the environmental determinants of phenotypic selection? A meta-analysis of experimental studies. The American Naturalist
Moore M, Riesch R, Martin RA (2016) Data from: The predictability and magnitude of life-history divergence to ecological agents of selection: a meta-analysis in livebearing fishes. Ecology Letters
Non-Refereed Publications
Martin, R.A., 2012. The ecology of mate choice: dicey climates and sexual selection. The Signal 13(7):7.
Martin, R.A., 2010. Coping with an arid habitat. The Signal 12(1):2-3.